im kinda computor illiterate. whats a blog anr tweet.anyway thanks for the 37?? vids of the most buetiful best fucker iv ever seen ill be busy for awhill
I somehow mananged to block myself from not only all users photo's but my own!! does anyone know of anyway to restore original settings? i've tried everything i know but i'm not very puter literate?
Why are there so many cancelled pictures in the Teen Picture section of Photos. Need to get them filled with more pics. There are lots of them that say cancelled... WHY
Uploaded a couple of videos several days ago, and they have yet to show up on the site. Just wondering what the story is and if I need to try again. Thanks.
MooooooooooooooooooH !
older computer so movies don't work to well
The Sabinchenkiller
copy and paste into browser
hahahaaa i love this ) i scream